CP-1011: Evaluation of Cladding and Water-Resistive Barrier Performance in Hot-Humid Climates Using a Real-Weather, Real-Time Test Facility CP-1011_Evaluation_Water-Resistive_Barrier.pdf (957.58 KB)
CP-1010: Innovative Passive Ventilation Water-Resistive Barriers—How Do They Work? CP-1010_Innovative_Passive_Ventilation_Water_Resistive_Barriers.pdf (457.02 KB)
CP-1002: Preliminary Modeling, Testing and Analysis of a Gas Tankless Water Heater CP-1002_Solar_Integrated_Tankless_Hot_Water.pdf (532.43 KB)
CP-0909: A Calibrated Multi-Zone Airflow Model for Extension of Ventilation System Tracer Gas Testing CP-0909_ASHRAE_Calibrated_Multizone_Airflow.pdf (654.05 KB)
CP-0908: A Method for Modifying Ventilation Airflow Rates to Achieve Equivalent Occupant Exposure CP-0908_ASHRAE_Modifying_Ventilation_Airflow.pdf (787.71 KB)
CP-0910: Measuring the Impact of Interior Insulation on Solid Masonry Walls in a Cold Climate CP-0910_Measuring_Impact_Interior_Insulation.pdf (808.17 KB)
CP-0904: Adhered Veneers and Inward Vapor Drives: Significance, Problems, and Solutions CP-0904_Adhered_Veneer_Inward_Vapor_Drive.pdf (2.11 MB)
CP-0901: Description of an Indoor Test Facility for Evaluating a Roof Integrated Cooling Concept CP-9001_ASME_Miami_DESRAD.pdf (1.35 MB)
CP-0802: Field Test of Room-to-Room Distribution of Outside Air with Two Residential Ventilation Systems CP-0802_Field_Test_Room_to_Room.pdf (582.28 KB)
CP-0997: Measured Air Change Rates and Distribution Ventilation Air in a Single Family Home CP-9907_Measured_Air_Change.pdf (834.62 KB)