Building Science Live

Cup of Joe's

Cup of Joe - Betsy Pettit and Joe Lstiburek on How to Get to Net-Zero

To get to zero energy conservation takes us most of the way…and the last bit is the renewables piece.  We get 70 percent of the way to “net zero” with conservation….  Guess what…we changed the…

Westford Symposium

Below-Grade Waterproofing for Deep Foundations

Peter Baker, P.Eng., is the President of Building Science Corporation. The Romans taught us about how to deal with foundations above the water table over 2,000 years ago. We are still figuring things…

Building Science Briefs

Is 50% Relative Humidity The Right Amount?

The Harvard School of Public Health is recommending that we maintain interior relative humidity between 40 and 60 percent during the winter (…