BSD-025: The Passive House (Passivhaus) Standard—A comparison to other cold climate low-energy houses bsi-025_passivhaus_standard_c.pdf (283.74 KB)
BSD-139: Deep Energy Retrofit of a Sears Roebuck House—A Home for the Next 100 Years BSD-139_Deep_Energy_Retrofit_rev2013.pdf (909.86 KB)
BSD-012: Moisture Control for New Residential Buildings BSD-012_Moisture_Control_New_Bldgs.pdf (3.3 MB)
BSD-002: Deciding on Energy Priorities When Building New BSI-014_Deciding_Energy_Building_New_rev2011.pdf (201.91 KB)
BSD-016: Top Ten Issues in Residential Ventilation Design BSI-016_Ventilation_Top_Ten_r2013.pdf (162.34 KB)
BSD-113: Ground Source Heat Pumps ("Geothermal") for Residential Heating and Cooling: Carbon Emissions and Efficiency BSD-113_GSHP_cx_2010.pdf (266.43 KB)