PA-1002: The Future of Window Technology . . . Is Here! PA_Straube_JBED Window Technology winter 2010r.pdf (2.29 MB)
PA-1001: ECM Efficiency—Better (and Worse) Than You Think PA_Home Energy ECM Efficiency_rev.pdf (281.16 KB)
PA-0902: Adhered Veneers and Inward Vapor Drives: Significance, Problems and Solutions PA_Straube_JBED_Adhered Veneers and Inward.pdf (611.78 KB)
PA-0901: Measuring the Impact of Interior Insulation on Solid Masonry Walls in a Cold Climate PA_Straube_JBED_Interior masonry retrofit.pdf (178.25 KB)
PA-0001: Measurement of Ventilation and Interzonal Distribution in Single-Family Homes PA_0001: ASHRAE Transactions Interzonal Distribution.pdf (803.78 KB)
PA-0701: A Critical Review of the Use of Double-Façades for Office Buildings in Cool Humid Climates PA_Double_Facades_JBED_2007.pdf (598.52 KB)