

What Causes Truss Uplift?

Wood moves. Drywall does not move. Interesting problem. The more you attach drywall to wood, the more cracks you have. Easy, attach the drywall to less wood, and, in a way, that allows the wood to move. Nail pops happen because as wood dries, it shrinks. Nails do not shrink. Actually, nails do not pop. The wood shrinks away from the back face of the drywall as it dries. How about getting dry wood? Sure. Next question. Better to use shorter nails. Even better, use glue. With glue, as the wood shrinks, it pulls the drywall inwards with it.

Below-Grade Waterproofing for Deep Foundations

Peter Baker, P.Eng., is the President of Building Science Corporation. The Romans taught us about how to deal with foundations above the water table over 2,000 years ago. We are still figuring things out for foundations below the water table. Peter has been dealing with these things since before Wayne Gretzky was sent to the United States…which seems like it was about 2,000 years ago.

Multifamily Buildings and Summertime Humidity

Kohta Ueno is a Principal of Building Science Corporation and has an undergraduate degree in Material Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a Masters of Applied Science from the University of Waterloo. Over the past few years issues, including persistent summertime humidity, comfort complaints, sweating ductwork, and mold are increasing in recently constructed multifamily units. Problems are often due to a “perfect storm” of factors: from air conditioning sizing vs.

Technical Fixes—Another Government Program

Andy Padian is a recognized expert in buildings and building science despite receiving a BA from Syracuse University in Energy and Environmental Policy. He joins a list of notable Syracuse alumni including President Joe Biden and Jim Brown who was the greatest lacrosse player of all time. Andy is an independent consultant, founder and President of PadianNYC Consulting. His presentation deals with how “the next piece of technology” that is intended to solve building problems often results in a cascade of problems not fully known at the time of the technology introduction.

Roofs and Pressures: Learning From Mistakes

Matt Dupuis received his B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin and is a licensed PE in multiple states. He has worked all over the world and is the “go to” person when things are not going “well”. Low slope roofing is a cornerstone of building science. However, when things go hygrothermally wrong on a roof, things fail in spectacular fashion. Matt will cover some of the most expensive failures currently plaguing the roofing side and ways to avoid them.

Residential Net Zero - New Construction & Retrofit

Betsy Pettit, is a Fellow of the American Institute of Architects and received her undergraduate degree in Architecture from Miami University, Oxford, Ohio and her master’s degree in Architecture from North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC. She is a pioneer in net zero construction and will share her experiences and insights in net zero new construction projects and retrofit projects. Things are both easy and obvious and then they are not.

Florida Hurricane Damage: What Works

Joe Smallwood founded BCB Homes of Naples, FL in 1993. He has an engineering degree from the University of Florida and runs one of the premier custom home builders in Florida. Naples has been in the crosshairs of Florida hurricanes for several decades. The most recent hurricane was Ian – the damage was so intense that the west coast of Florida was nicknamed “Beirut”. BCB has learned a thing or two.

Historic Retrofit: Mass Building

Michael Patrick is an architect with BarnesVanze Architects in Washington, DC. Michael attended the College of William and Mary (B.A. Linguistics) and later studied architecture at the University of Texas, Arlington (M. Arch). Sydney Katz is an architect with BarnesVanze Architects. She received her Bachelor of Architecture from the University of Southern California. Yes, the building they will be talking about was constructed in 1806 the same year Lewis and Clark made it to the Pacific and Andrew Jackson killed an attorney (in a duel).