VID 10-Year, 100-Year and 1,000 Year Buildings (Keith Simon 2024) VID “Resource Efficient Electrification and Grid Impacts of Electrification” - Mark Kleinginna & Jared Rodriguez VID “Prefabrication and Mass Timber Buildings” - Graham Finch VID “Grid-Building Interaction, Microgrids and Passive Buildings” - Lisa White VID “Gaps in Knowledge - Yogi Berra Building Science John Straube NEWSVID “Flood-hardy?...Bon Temps! (good times) Status quo?...Couillon!" - Claudette Hanks Reichel VID “Buildings and Infection Control - before, during and after COVID” - William Bahnfleth VID "Answers from the Ashes" - Jeff Berino Pagination Previous page ‹ Page 66