CP-2001: Insulation Induced Exterior Paint and Siding Failures cp-2001_insulation_induced_paint_and_siding_failures_1.pdf (1.12 MB)
CP-1302: Monitoring of Two Unvented Roofs with Air-Permeable Insulation in Climate Zone 2A CP-1302_Monitoring_of_Two_Unvented_Roofs_with_Air-Permeable_Insulation_in_Climate_Zone_2A.pdf (28.21 MB)
CP-1301: Field Monitoring and Simulation of a Historic Mass Masonry Building Retrofitted with Interior Insulation CP-1301_Field_Monitoring_Simulation_Historic_Mass_Masonry_Retrofit_Interior_Insulation.pdf (1.04 MB)
CP-1201: Masonry Wall Insulation Interior Embedded Beam Simulations CP-1201_Masonry_Wall_Interior_Insulation_Retrofit_Embedded_Beam_Simulations.pdf (2.11 MB)
CP-1103: New England Net Zero Production Houses CP-1103_ASHRAE NE Net Zero Production Houses.pdf (467.46 KB)
CP-1102: San Francisco Bay Area Net Zero Urban Infill CP-1102_San Francisco Bay Area Net Zero Urban Infill.pdf (440.28 KB)
CP-1101: The Influence of Low-Permeance Vapor Barriers on Roof and Wall Performance CP-1101_ASHRAE_Thermal_VIII_low_perm_vapor_barrier.pdf (274.34 KB)
CP-1013: Assessing the Freeze-Thaw Resistance of Clay Brick for Interior Insulation Retrofit Projects CP-1013_Assessing_Freeze_Thaw_Resistance_Clay_Brick_Insulation_Retrofit.pdf (253.23 KB)
CP-1012: Residential Exterior Wall Superinsulation Retrofit Details and Analysis CP-1012-Residential_Exterior_Wall_Superinsulation_Retrofit_Details_Analysis.pdf (645.18 KB)