

Lessons From 70 Years Of Building Science Field Investigations (Hartwig Kunzel 2024)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kunzel is the Head of Department, Hygrothermics, Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics, Germany. To say he is a legend is an understatement. He is the "godfather" of WUFI "Warme Und Feuchte Instationar"...Hartwig will present on face seal stucco and coating systems, IR-reflective facades, impact of vapor diffusion in fibrous and foam insulation, the hygrothermal behavior of assemblies...and anything else he feels like talking about.

Forensic Engineering Of Building Enclosures and Facades (Brian Hubbs 2024)

Brian Hubbs, P.Eng. is a pioneer in investigating and explaining the causes of failures and how to fix them. Brian points out that it is both an art and a science...that it involves multivariable analysis to eliminate things that are not contributing to the failure and narrowing in on the contributory failure mechanisms. Brian is the "H" in RDH Building Science and one of the best "facadists" around. He is a graduate from the University of Waterloo.

Adhesion (Foster Lyons 2024)

Foster Lyons is a chemical engineer, builder and building science consultant to architects. Foster points out that there is not a single structure, in the history of structures, that does not have something adhered to something else. Yet, adhesion is a topic fraught with misunderstanding and misconception. Why is it so hard to break concrete but so easy for stones to fall off walls?

Thermal Energy Storage In High Performance Buildings (Marc Rosenbaum 2024)

Marc Rosenbaum, P.E., received a BS and MS from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is the Founder and Principal of Energysmiths and built his first superinsulated house in 1978. Marc will discuss how energy storage both thermal and electrical aids grid penetration of renewables and builds resilience on-site. Mass...not the state...time constants and hydronic storage will be discussed.

MgO - Magnesium Oxide Sheathing Panels - no sweat..sweet (Adam Broderick and Aaron Grin (2024)

Adam Broderick is a Research Scientist and Aaron Grin is a Global Residential Applications Technology Leader - both are with DuPont Building Solutions. Is MgO a game-changer? It had issues in the past. Not any more. They will cover test huts, environmental chambers and “sweating” boards in Denmark.

Conservation Of Mass and Other Crazy Ideas (Kent Browning 2024)

Kent Browning, PE is a principal of KWR Engineering Services, Austin, TX and has been commissioning buildings before commissioning buildings was called commissioning buildings. Kent keeps seeing the same kind of problems over and over again. He has several guidelines that general contractors and normal folks can use to indicate if a building will have issues. Kent promises not to charge a commission for this information...

Load-Based Testing Of Heat Pumps (Bruce Harley 2024)


Bruce Harley has an undergraduate degree in electrical engineering from Worcester Polytechnic Institute and was the technical director of the Conservation Services Group for many years. Most of his recent work is related to heat pumps. He points out that heat pumps can accomplish a lot, but there are many potential pitfalls; we need to get it right and avoid a "heat pump gate"...